
Gepubliceerd op 04-08-2021

UU Assistant Professor in Medieval History

The Department of History and Art History seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor in Medieval History. The position involves 0.7 FTE teaching and 0.3 FTE research activities.


The successful candidate will have:

  • a PhD degree in Medieval History;
  • a proven track record of research in late Medieval History relative to the Low Countries, with attention to urban history, as shown in the candidate’s publication record;
  • substantial experience in teaching European Medieval History and global Medieval History, as shown by a list of courses taught, supervised, and organized, at BA, MA, and PhD level;
  • organizational experience and willingness, in time, to act as Secretary for a section of Medieval History.

Utrecht University has a teaching qualification system for University Lecturers, and candidates are required to obtain the Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) within two years if they are not already in possession of one. Candidates are expected to be proficient in both Dutch and English; non-Dutch candidates will need to master the Dutch language on an academic level within two years.

Conditions of employment

We offer a temporary position (1.0 FTE) as of 1 February 2022 at the latest, for a period of one year. In case of good performance, the employment will become permanent. The gross salary – depending on previous qualifications and experience  – ranges between €3,746 and €5,862 (scale 11-12 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities) per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end bonus of 8.3% per year. In addition, Utrecht University offers excellent secondary conditions, including an attractive retirement scheme, (partly paid) parental leave and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). More information about working at Utrecht University can be found here.

Apply now!

For more information about this position, please contact: Prof. Marco Mostert (Head of the section of Medieval History), via m.mostert@uu.nl.

Het KNHG is de grootste organisatie van professionele historici in Nederland. Het biedt een platform aan de ruim 1100 leden en aan de historische gemeenschap als geheel. Word lid van het KNHG.
Het Huygens Instituut beoogt de Nederlandse geschiedenis en cultuur inclusiever maken. Het ontsluit historische bronnen en literaire teksten en ontwikkelt innovatieve methoden, tools en duurzame digitale infrastructuur.