
Correspondentie van de Hollandse en Friese Stadhoudersvrouwen 1605-1725

Naar de resource

This corpus of letters focuses on the correspondences of six leading women of the Republic of the United Netherlands from the Orange and Stuart courts in The Hague: Amalia von Solms-Braunfels (1602–1675), Mary Stuart, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange (1631–1661), and Mary II Stuart, future Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1662–1694); and from their regional counterpart, the Frisian court in Leeuwarden: Sophia Hedwig von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1592–1642), Albertine Agnes van Oranje-Nassau (1634–1696), and Henriette Amalia von Anhalt Dessau (1666–1726).

Hitherto the significant collections of letters of these six princesses have been neither published nor digitized and here in EMLO users will find they are able to consult the calendars either individually or together in their entirety. As a result of the first-ever access to images of the manuscripts of many of these letters via the portal of the Royal Collections The Netherlands, and with the assistance of tools to visualize networks that have been made available by partners at both the Huygens ING and Oxford University’s Cultures of Knowledge project, these digital calendars make it possible to conduct fresh academic research on the influence of these women in the political, cultural, and social spheres and processes both within and beyond the Republic of the United Netherlands.

Partners and Additional Contributors
The metadata for this collection of letters in EMLO was provided by the Huygens ING under the direction of researcher Dr Ineke Huysman. Huygens ING has digitized the documents in cooperation with the Royal Collections The Netherlands in The Hague, where most of the original letters are conserved. A smaller number of letters may be found in the care of the National Library of the Netherlands [Koninklijke Bibliotheek] and Landeshauptarchiv Dessau.

These correspondence catalogues have been prepared for publication as a part of a collaboration with EMLO and Women’s Early Modern Letters Online [WEMLO].

Geen gevonden
Het KNHG is de grootste organisatie van professionele historici in Nederland. Het biedt een platform aan de ruim 1100 leden en aan de historische gemeenschap als geheel. Wordt lid van het KNHG.
Terug naar de bron: de geschiedenis ontrafeld met nieuwe technologie. Dat is de missie van het Huygens ING, een onderzoeksinstituut op het gebied van geschiedenis en cultuur.