II International Meeting on States of Exception and State Terrorism Studies
II International Meeting on States of Exception and State Terrorism Studies
Place:Santiago de Compostela
Date:October 27-28, 2020
Organizers: César Román and Lisandro Cañón
Contact: juliolisandro.canon@gmail.com
Deadline for proposals submission: July 15, 2020.
Registration fee:free.
The Network Red Internacional de Estudios sobre Estados de Excepción y terrorismo de Estado calls for proposals for the second edition of the Meeting. The central theme of this First Encounter is to reflect on the States of Exception, the specific forms that it could acquire in Europe: Salazarism (Portugal), Francoism (Spain), Fascism (Italy), Nazism (Germany), Coronelism (Greece); and in America, State Terrorism.
Guidelines for sending proposals, both individual papers and thematic panels, can be consulted on the web of the Network: https://redredet.wordpress.com/
The organizers will analyze the proposals received and undertake to contact the authors, within a period not exceeding seven days, in order to inform them of the acceptance, rejection or need to extend the proposal.
The organizers have planned the publication of a book that gathers the results of the Meeting.
Lisandro Cañón