
Gepubliceerd op 18-02-2019

Full Professor of Theory and History of Psychology (1.0 fte)

We seek internationally-renowned applicants for a Full professor position in Theory and History of Psychology. She/he will manage the expertise group, including the supervision of its academic staff. She/he will contribute to the bachelor and master programme in courses related to the theory and history of psychology and in guiding thesis projects of students. She/he will also supervise internal and external PhD students, in cooperation with colleagues.

The new full professor will lead the expertise group by stimulating scholarly exchange of ideas and critical reflection, and by playing an active role in attracting funding. In doing so, she/he will also start up research projects, often in cooperation with other units, both within and outside the department. And she/he will act as an advocate of the importance of theoretical and historical reflection on psychology both nationally and internationally.


Candidates should have an excellent reputation in both research and education in a field relevant to Theory and History of Psychology, and must meet the criteria for Full professor laid out in the faculty’s tenure track policy.

We are looking especially for candidates who meet the following requirements:
• an internationally renowned expert in an area that will augment and extend the existing strengths of the group
• a PhD degree in a relevant area, such as Psychology, History of Science, Philosophy of Science, or Science and Technology Studies, with a focus on Theory and History of Psychology
• an outstanding publication record, both in terms of scholarship and in terms of public engagement and outreach
• affinity with the group’s unique and internationally-acknowledged scholarly vision (theory, history, and ethnography of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience)
• evidence of the ability to attract funding
• evidence of the successful supervision of PhD students
• excellent teaching skills and the ability to coordinate and develop new courses
• a team player with good communication skills
• good managerial and cooperation skills, including a willingness to engage with the group’s open organizational model of collaboration and consultation, in which responsibilities are shared between staff members
• excellent proficiency speaking and writing in English, and a willingness to learn Dutch.

Conditions of employment

The University of Groningen offers a salary depending on qualifications and work experience starting with € 5,582 to a maximum of € 8,127 gross per month (salary scale H2 Dutch Universities, based on full-time employment).

Secondary benefits, based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities are excellent in general and include e.g. a pension scheme, flexible employment conditions and salaries are supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8% and end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year.

A more detailed description of the position (structuurrapport) is available on request: m.derksen@rug.nl

Starting date: September 2019

Please send your application until 31 March 11:59pm / before 1 April 2019 Dutch local time by means of the application form (click on “Apply” below the advertisement on the university website).

Your application should include your motivation, curriculum vitae, individual mark sheets, and contact information of at least two academic references.

Unsolicited marketing is not appreciated.


Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Since its founding in 1614, the University of Groningen (UG) has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education. We encourage the 31,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual talents. Among the best research universities in Europe, and joining forces with prestigious partner universities and networks around the world, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (FBSS) is the university’s centre of knowledge focusing on individuals and society. Our focus is on issues relating to human behaviour, as well as the relationships between people and society as a whole. This includes the study of how people function under normal circumstances, but also the problems encountered by individuals or groups and how these can be resolved or prevented. Within the Faculty is the Department of Psychology, which offers bachelor’s and master’s programmes in both Dutch and English, and supervises internal and external PhD students.

Within the department, the expertise group “Theory and History of Psychology” reflects on Psychology and related disciplines such as Psychiatry and Neuroscience, considering their philosophical aspects, their historical development, and their social significance. This group’s research typically weaves together theoretical, historical, and ethnographic approaches. For this reason, its research is often interdisciplinary. Members of the group therefore collaborate with colleagues from – for example – philosophy, history, science studies, anthropology, and neuroscience. This work, moreover, is often transdisciplinary, in the sense that group members participate with people from outside academia to advance societal debates about current issues. For this reason, members of the group also write for a wider academic and non-academic audience, as well as for peers in their own field, and publish books and blogs in addition to the usual peer-reviewed articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
The group teaches at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. In the bachelor programme, this concerns history of psychology, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of science, and ethics. Thus, the group teaches the majority of the general courses defined in the description of the Psychology programme. The group also has its own master track, Reflecting on Psychology (soon to be rebranded Theory and History of Psychology), which attracts many students from other master tracks as well. Several members of the group participate in the course Reflecting on Science and Integrity from the faculty’s Research Master. And the group aims to collaborate with the master track Ethics of Education: Philosophy, History and Law. Apart from teaching at the bachelor’s and master’s levels, members of the group of course supervise a number of PhD students too.

Within the broader Faculty of Behavioural and Social Science, the Theory and History of Psychology group collaborates with Theory and History of Education in order to strengthen as much as possible each other’s research and teaching. The presence of two such groups in one faculty is unique.

Additional information

Prof. Kees Aarts, Dean of the faculty and Chair of the search committee
+31 50 3636180,

Prof. Ernestine Gordijn, Director of Research of Psychology
+31 50 3636395,

Het KNHG is de grootste organisatie van professionele historici in Nederland. Het biedt een platform aan de ruim 1100 leden en aan de historische gemeenschap als geheel. Word lid van het KNHG.
Het Huygens Instituut beoogt de Nederlandse geschiedenis en cultuur inclusiever maken. Het ontsluit historische bronnen en literaire teksten en ontwikkelt innovatieve methoden, tools en duurzame digitale infrastructuur.