
Launch of the digital edition of the letters of Christofforo Suriano

18 okt 2024
Van 14:30 - 18:00uur
Mauritshuis, Den Haag

Suriano was the first Venetian envoy in the Dutch Republic (1616-1623). The edition includes all the letters he sent to the Doge and Senate.

Moderator: Helmer Helmers

14:30 Inloop/ Doors open

14:45 Welkom door Menno Witteveen/ Welcome by Menno Witteveen

15:00 Nina Lamal – Suriano, a key figure in Veneto-Dutch relations

15:20 Dirk van Miert and Nina Lamal – Official launch of the digital edition

15:30 Pauze/ Break

16:00 Filippo De Vivo – Diplomatic correspondence: challenges and rewards

16:15 Maartje van Gelder – Suriano attacked by Amsterdam women: Diplomatic correspondence as a source for social history

16:30 Jelle van Lottum – Early modern seamen

16:45 Dankwoord/Acknowledgements door Nina Lamal

17:00 Borrel/ Drinks


Date and time

Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:30 – 18:00 CEST



29 Plein 2511 CS Den Haag

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