Call for Proposals 139th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association
Chicago, Illinois, January 8–11, 2026
Electronic submission only, by midnight PST on February 15, 2025
The AHA’s annual meeting is the largest yearly gathering of historians in the United States.
All historians are welcome and encouraged to submit proposals for annual meeting sessions. The AHA also invites historically focused proposals from colleagues in related disciplines and from AHA affiliated societies. The Program Committee will consider all proposals that advance the study, teaching, and public presentation of history.
The Association seeks submissions on the histories of all places, periods, people, and topics; on the uses of diverse sources and methods, including digital history; and on theory and the uses of history itself in a wide variety of venues.
We invite proposals for in-person sessions in a variety of formats and encourage lively interaction among presenters and with the audience. Please consult the Annual Meeting Guidelines and review all of the important information on this page before submitting a proposal.