Call for Applications: ReIReS DH Course Sofia, November 2019
The University of Sofia launched the call for applications for its ReIReS Course on “Digital Resources for Slavonic-Byzantine Studies”, which will be held November 19-21, 2019. The course is focused on presenting research tools for facilitating and boosting Slavonic-Byzantine Studies. Especially – but not only – PhD students and postdocs are welcome.
The Course seeks to discuss Byzantine and Old-Slavonic Studies within the digital paradigm by making use of text analysis through digital tools. Choosing an extensively discussed field (Byzantine Studies) and a not-so-widely, yet with passionate followers (Old Church Slavonic Studies), Sofia University makes use of an extraordinary heritage of ‘conventional’ research and a currently-developing field to introduce its participants to a multidimensional approach of linguistics in their traditional, historical, and computational forms by following at the same time the epistemological shift and interchange in sub-fields.
For those who do not understand some of the languages of the focus in the NLP tools, assistant students with the necessary language skills will be provided.
Applications and Fee
Applications are welcome by October 19, 2019. The school is open to scholars affiliated to the ReIReS consortium and to max. five persons from outside the consortium. Scholars from outside the consortium will pay a registration fee of € 395.00.
You will find more information on the course, its aims and objectives on the website of ReIReS: